Mindfulness 1:1

One-to-One Session Course in Mindfulness (MBSR/MBCT)

This is the opportunity to go through the 8-week mindfulness course in private. We will cover the core syllabus of the courses in MBSR, (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) or MBCT, (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy).

What you’ll get from participating in the programme:

• Learn new ways of handling pain, difficult feelings, stress and moods
• Develop patience, compassion, open-mindedness, determination, and focus
• Establish/deepen your meditation practice

Mindfulness practices have been the subject of numerous research studies in the last decade. Studies have proven that regular mindfulness practice significantly:

• Reduces stress and reduces levels of anxiety
• Increases immunity
• Improves people’s capacity to emotionally self-regulate and therefore reduce emotional reactivity
• Enhances attention and the ability to focus
• Improves memory, learning, and perception
• Improves sleep quality
• Lowers blood pressure
• Improves the quality of life
• Increases well-being and the senses of meaning and satisfaction
• Positively related to emotional intelligence, openness to experience, psychological flexibility
• Reduce ruminative thinking on the same subject (compulsively focused attention on the symptoms of one’s distress)
• Increase empathy and self-compassion

For more information about mindfulness research, click here. 

Mindfulness is an integrative, mind–body-based approach approved by NHS that gives you back the control of your attention so that moment by moment you can engage in your life skillfully and connect with yourself and others with wholehearted awareness.

Find out what the NHS say about Mindfulness here.


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reaction 8-week course was designed to help you literally “rewire” the brain processes that lie at the root of your stress and worry. Each weekly session is a building block in this process. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reaction 8-week course can help you take more pleasure in the good things that often go unnoticed or unappreciated, and to deal more effectively with life’s difficulties.


There is an ever-growing body of empirical evidence showing that mindfulness can help us self-regulate our moods and thoughts, become more resilient in the face of stress and challenges, make us more productive and effective, and restore a sense of calm and balance to our lives.

Please get in touch for more details by sending an email at info@hampshire-mindfulness.co.uk or by calling: 07956 852300 / 01425 540205.